As well as the lovely selection of stalls there will be:
Apart from the well-publicised Candlelight Fair & refreshments, the St Margaret's Hospice Hog Roast in the car park, the Somerset Railway Modellers Club display, and Luna the Moongazing Moth, we will also have a visit by the Dunster Carollers and Santa will be visiting for the evening from 4:30 pm on Friday and 3:30 pm on Saturday.
His post box will be there when the Fair opens at 3 pm so you can bring your letter or write him a note when you visit. Oh, and we need to find a name for our Unicorn. She's also looking for a new home so if you pick her name from the list (for a donation of £1) you can take her home with you! Every home should have a Unicorn, but they're not easy to come by! Pop in and say hello. |
Where's the Tithe Barn? Check out the Village Map --->